Presto DX Densitometer

Presto DX Densitometer

The Presto DX Densitometer measures density, dot gain, dot area, trapping and Grey balance. It can be upgraded to a full DX Spectrodensitometer by way of code. Displaying the last 4 measurements ensures speed of measurement. The unique slide action measurement gives an easy target aim and an exceptional repeatability.

New X Rite Exact 2 improved further

New X Rite Exact 2 improved further

Following firmware updates, the new X Rite Exact 2 is now being established as the primary colour measurement tool for our customers. Its non contact optics, camera targeting and large colour screen are proving very popular.

Wifi connectivity and free connection to basic Pantone live have been complemented by increased stability and battery life.

Exact 2

Exact 2

The new Exact 2 is the replacement for the very successful Exact spectrophotometer.

It has a revolutionary camera based aperture system, improved accuracy and inbuilt pantone libraries.

It supports Colorcert, Color IQC and Presssign software and can now connect by WIFI

The larger screen offers improved visual perception of Colourspaces and the unit can be calibrated using Net Profiler software.

CXF data transfer is seamless using the Exact Manager suite software and all units are scan enabled to automatically measure a colour bar.

There are templates for all ISO standards including Fogra 39,47,51 and 52 giving pass fail information immediately on measurement.

Full onsite training is always offered to gain the most out of this device.



The new EVS family of colour viewing stations successfully combines sleek styling and tight tolerance Standard D5000 viewing conditions. The EVS is the perfect colour viewing facility for the conference room, lobby, or executive office. Available in a variety of sizes and configurations to meet all of your colour viewing needs. Storage options are the same as CVX models.



The CVX family of D50 colour viewing stations features state-of-the-art electronic ballasts combined with GraphicliteT8 fluorescent lamps, producing superior light evenness, improved rear wall illumination, and enhanced energy efficiency. All units include the LiteGuard II, which displays lamp warm up, lamp hours, and remaining lamp life. The CVX comes complete with side walls (removable).

All CVX viewing stations are available with a variety of storage options. See brochure CVX-3052 has a viewing area of 74cm x 132 and the CVX 4052 102 cm x 132cm